hear a song

美 [hɪr ə sɔːŋ]英 [hɪə(r) ə sɒŋ]
  • 听歌
hear a songhear a song
  1. Well , let 's hear a song first .


  2. I 'd like to hear a song . Now listen to me .


  3. I hear a song : Why can 't the person , who love each other , is together .


  4. Or , sit in silence and hear a song that hasn 't been written ?


  5. Online to hear a song , feel very good to listen and to share with you , hope you like .


  6. One ought , everyday , to hear a song , read a fine poem , and , if possible , to speak a rew reasonable words .


  7. Only reapers , reaping early , In among the bearded barley Hear a song that echoes cheerly From the river winding clearly ;


  8. Only reapers , reaping early In among the bearded barley , Hear a song that echoes cheerly From the river winding clearly , Down to tower 'd Camelot ;


  9. Wanna hear a new song ? Yeah .


  10. Next time you hear a new song , stop and listen intently to the words and rhythms .


  11. Sometimes I can 't control it , but it 's gotta be one of those moments.Like if you hear a great song you just start dancing ?


  12. Enjoy one on the recent song ALL THIS TIME to hear a good song , there is the opportunity to go listen to your friends to hear a good song !


  13. Next time you hear a Madonna song that isn 't performed by Madonna , you can be sure she is getting a royalty for it .


  14. We 've all been there : you hear a catchy song and for days - or even weeks - on end you just can 't get it out of your head .


  15. One ought , every day at least , to hear a little song , read a good poem , see a fine picture , and if it were possible , to speak a few reasonable words .


  16. You want to hear a real baseball song ?


  17. Log On , Listen , Blog , DiscussWhen you hear a catchy new song , it 's hard not to tell your friends about it .


  18. I hear her singing a familiar song .


  19. During this event , you will get the opportunity to interact with your children as they engage in some of their favorite games and learning activities and hear them sing a favorite song .
